28 September, 2008

Madison to Cambridge: 33 miles, 0 emissions

So this whole weekend has been crazy! I rode 15 miles on Friday afternoon to pick up a few much needed supplies, then on Saturday I rode 33 miles from Madison to Cambridge.

This is the route I followed:

I got sidetracked a few times - tried taking an alternate route off BB and went a little too far down the Glacial Drumlin state trail, but in the end it worked out. The entire ride took me about 3 hours, 45 minutes.

My total mileage after this weekend: 56.3 + 15 + 33 = 104.3

Moving right along!

22 September, 2008

Application fun

I've been running around for the past couple days trying to get all my applications in, but as of tonight I believe I'll be all set with the exception of the physical form. My remaining responsibilities:

- Complete 8 hours of sweat equity
- Prepare a 15 minute presentation on affordable housing
- And then the small matter of raising $4000, half of which is due April 18th

In addition, I have pledged to bike at least 500 miles with at least one 65+ mile ride for my training. My total so far:

12.4 + 7 + 6.9 + 15 + 15 = 56.3 total miles (I didn't document the last two rides, sorry folks)

Best get a move on!

14 September, 2008

Ittttt's... Bike and Build time!

Applications are finally up! I've just sent mine in with the hopes that I'll soon have a permanent (pending requirements) spot on NUS 2009.

I haven't posted much lately because of school starting and such, and unfortunately I haven't been training as much as I should for similar reasons. Since my last post I've made two 14.7 mile circles around Lake Mendota - whew! Looks like I've got a long way to go before I'm ready to do 70, 80, 90 mile days...

A former coworker invited me to join the UW cycling team's Listserv, saying I could post what it is I'm doing and ask for someone to help me build up to 60 mile days. I think I may do just that!

I'd also like to note that I added a new link to the list o' links - Bikely is a site that lets you create, post, and search for bike routes in your area or elsewhere. I like it because it lets me check out my approximate mileage, but also because it allows me to switch up my training routes. Check it out!