04 June, 2009

70 miles and a sandwich

Yesterday was THE big day. Every Bike and Build participant is required to ride at least one 65-or-more mile day as part of his/her training, and yesterday I did 70 miles. I rode from Cambridge to Madison, ran some errands, and then came back, with only slightly sore knees and a hefty appetite to boot. And now... pictures!

Just to prove I did it.

So I was passing over I-90 and thought it'd be fun to hitch a ride with an oncoming semi, just to see if I could do it. I wound up maxing out at 94.2 mph, and here's the proof.*

Present to myself for doing 70 miles.

T minus two weeks and counting! Stay tuned and remember... I'm GRATEFULLY accepting donations right up til June 18th!

*Just kidding. I found my computer in my handlebar bag going haywire after stopping at a Subway for a sandwich and it kept reading 94.2 mph for some reason. Possibly has to do with it being in close proximity to my cellphone.

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