07 August, 2008

Desperate white female seeks cheapy messenger bags for a few hours of DIY fun

What an epic adventure I've had this day. Truly a fantastic frenzy of fabulous fun. My intention was to ride over to the Savers on the east side to purchase some cheapy messenger bags for to make my own panniers (because panniers are fscking expensive, doncha know). Little did I know that there is no longer a Savers on the east side, only one on the west side. Equally little did I know that in place of the awesomeness that is Savers was its polar opposite... Family Dollar. Ew. So I rode back to campus, thinking I'd go to the Goodwill on State Street. WRONG! About 3 minutes before I arrived, they had closed. No one wants to sell me cheapy messenger bags today, apparently.

So scratch that idea. I then went to Budget Bicycle (bless their LBS hearts) and purchased some necessary items for my lean mean purple machine; handlebar tape, cables, and a rack. Unfortunately, probably due to no fault of the kind people at Budget Bicycle, the rack was missing one single nut, and so I was unable to complete the installation completely. Oh well, it feels solid enough for now.

Today's mileage: 6.9 miles

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